The Choir – "Resonance of Souls"
Singing as a bridge between the physical and spiritual, between self and others, between chaos and harmony.
Mental Health? Call it Mental Fitness
What’s your mental fitness routine? How are you showing up consistently to nourish your mind and soul?
The heart-work.
“The work of the eyes is done. Go now and do the heart-work on the images imprisoned within you.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke.
Inner Child Healing
Creativity and the inner child go hand-in-hand; engaging in one often awakens the other.
Trauma That Sits in Our Bones
Intergenerational trauma is a wound that transcends generations, impacting not just the mind but deeply embedding in our emotional and physical responses.
Menopause as a source of power.
Menopause as a period for spiritual growth, empowerment and self-realisation.