Crisis and life transitions

Self esteem and self discovery


Trauma healing

Anxiety and Depression

I'm Agnes, an experienced Medicine Woman specialising in capturing the soul and energy. Deep sensing, feeling, and empathy come naturally to me, shaping a journey filled with creative expression and a profound understanding of the human mind and the patterns that influence it.

My exploration led me to specialise in Transpersonal Art Therapy, a transformative approach that has given rich meaning to how I perceive the Self, Humans, and the World. This pivotal moment in my journey has spurred me to study various cognitive therapies and holistic healing modalities, each contributing to my versatile and holistic approach.

Through my own Wounded Healer Journey, marked by detours and dark experiences, I've gained profound tools and insights. What sets me apart is not just the expertise I've cultivated but also my genuine curiosity, open-mindedness, and eagerness to explore different processes and techniques before suggesting them to clients.

If you're seeking a journey of self-discovery, healing, and creative expression, I invite you to join me on this transformative adventure. Together, we can explore the depths of your inner world, unlocking the potential and tools for your growth, healing, and a renewed connection with your true self. I look forward to embarking on this empowering journey with you.

I've cultivated foundational beliefs that serve as guiding principles in both my personal life and my counselling and healing approach:

1. **Inner Harmony:**

True happiness emerges from finding equilibrium among the mind, body, and soul.

2. **Life's Flow:**

Connecting with nature and nurturing inner bliss leads to a harmonious alignment with life's natural rhythm.

3. **Unconditional Positive Regard:**

Essential to our well-being is the practice of extending unconditional positive regard to both ourselves and others.

4. **Simplicity in Life:**

Embracing life's simplicity, acknowledging only the reality that exists without imposing absolutes like right or wrong.

5. **Essence of Love:**

Our true essence is rooted in love—for ourselves, others, and every facet of existence.

6. **Inherent Freedom:**

Recognising that we are already free, loving, creative, expressive, whole, and entirely sufficient.

7. **Inner Wisdom:**

The wisdom required for a fulfilling life is already an integral part of who we are.

8. **Root Cause Healing:**

Prioritising healing at the root cause rather than merely addressing surface-level symptoms.

Professional qualifications and experience:

Advanced Diploma Transpersonal Art Therapy

Freedom Throught Body Movement & Rewild your Feminine (100hr YACEP)

Holistic Counsellor and Meditation Teacher Diploma

BA in Visual Arts


  • When employing the arts for self-healing or therapy, we don't focus on the visual art's beauty, writing's grammar, or a song's harmonic flow. The arts become a means to let go, express, and release. Exploring symbolic and metaphoric messages in our creations can offer valuable insights. Our art communicates with us, conveying messages from the subconscious and soul through symbols, metaphors, sensations, and dreams. By paying attention, we can decode the advice and medicine uniquely tailored for our well-being.

  • Transpersonal therapists employ diverse techniques like meditation, guided visualization, hypnotherapy, dream work, art, music, journaling, and mindfulness to assist clients in exploring their spiritual self and finding meaning in life. The term "transpersonal" in various philosophies and psychologies describes experiences and worldviews beyond the personal psyche and mundane events. The transpersonal perspective sees humans as part of something greater, connected to the Universe.

  • Art Therapy's focus is not on creating art or producing beautiful products; rather, it utilizes the artistic process to foster healing and self-awareness. No artistic skill or experience is necessary, and there are no judgments on artistic quality. There's no "right" or "wrong" way to create art in Art Therapy. People without art experience often find it liberating and insightful. While Art Therapy is effective for those who struggle with verbal communication, it is not limited to specific populations. In fact, verbal processing of the Art Therapy experience can be a crucial part of the therapeutic process.